Kovilakam lakeside villa

Kovilakam lakeside villa resort is actually located in Muhamma which is on the way to alleppey it is situated in the backwaters of Vembanad. They have 5 bed rooms and a cottage on the lakeside. Their staff is very friendly. They serve mainly Kerala dishes like pearl spot for lunch.  It’s one of the best places to stay in Kerala. And has one of the best backwater views..


  1. Good start..
    However look at the first sentence which needs a full stop and capital letter for Alleppy.
    The content can be improved by referring to the conveniences in the room...

    1. Thank you...
      Yes you are right. Thank you very much for the correction.
      Sure will do that the next time, I go there...

    2. Practice makes perfect.

      I like how you included the images. Perhaps different angles of the same view may not be necessary. In this case you made a reference to the lake view, so an image of the lake from the room would've been fantastic.

      Keep going!

  2. Nice write up Sandeep . Good photographs
    Areas u can improve are
    1-Description of the place in your view point
    2- some unique features of rhenplace if any
    3- About the history of the place and u need to do a bit of research there
    4- Famous people visited there
    5- What are the activities one can do from there
    6- How’s the climate and what are the necessary things one need when staying there .
    Etc etc . Thus you can make the blog longer and more attractive


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