
I went to Kenya for a holiday last year. I went to Dubai from Cochin. From there i flew to Nairobi with my family. When we reached Nairobi they had given us a menu in that they had written our schedule. We also stayed in Nairobi for one night. From there we flew to Kenya in a small aircraft and we landed there in an air strip. Actually Kenya is an empty grassland. We stayed in a resort called Mara Simbha. We saw animals like lions,deers,jackals,cheetah,elephants and birds like secretary bird and all. In Africa the meaning of hello is Jambo. There is also a crocodile and hipopotamus living near the resort. In Kenya u also get Indian food. There are many Indians also out there. We wanted to see the lepeord also but we couldnt see. We were asked to get up at 5 30 am in the morning. And again we went for hunting.  We saw parashoots and all. And then we went to the massai mara village. We also saw the massai mara tribes men. All of them were very educated. They did many types of dances also for us. They had the lions head with them. They made us dance with them. We saw how they live also. They live in the darkness. They drink blood mixed with milk. They also fight the lions. At the back of their house they make jewels. They forced me also to buy it. But Appa didnt allow that because it costs 1700 shillings. They also showed us how to make fire.  Then after that we flew back to Nairobi. We had aligator meat,crocodile meat,ostrich meat and all for dinner.


  1. i didnt noe kenyan tribes drink blood mixd wid milk........hw ws it wen u ate all dose meat mentiond above?????

  2. Great post. I suggest that you should share more of your travel experiences. Keep the blog going....


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